Sunday 28 June 2009

Big-Iain - Status

Hi there. Big-Iain here, giving a quick update on my progress in the horticultural stakes. I wouldn't claim to to be particularly good gardener, but here goes

RHUBARB : Not been a great season, and it's almost over. But, as you can see, it still looks pretty good. The rhubarb will definitely be over by R-Day, so there's a couple of stalks in the freezer, ready for some sweets. LOGANBERRY : Promising. Only planted late last year, but looks like there will be a semi-decent crop.
CHILLI PEPPERS : Disappointing. Grown well, but no sign of flowers, so no sign of actual peppers yet. Fingers crossed.
TAYBERRY : Disappointing. This is it. Wow. Impressive huh ?

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